Monday, December 12, 2011

Sportsman's Guide sells this little beauty of a wood stove.

This little beauty costs around $80 and comes with stove pipe.

Weighs 20 pounds and about the size of a mail box but a little taller. Item # WX2172631


  1. I think I just found my wood heater for the tiny camper. Can even cook off the top of this one. Slow cook a pot of venison stew and make some dutch oven biscuits and apple pie. Can't wait till the camper is finished!

  2. I could get a piece of 1/8th" thick iron as a floor for the hot coals to save the steel bottom from direct heat. Steel warps after it's been heated and cooled repeatedly. Heat the iron then put some pressure on it to mold it to the heater's shape.
