Yeah, I know. Mom dies and I fall off the face of the earth. Well, not exactly.
It took a month to get my emotional act back together. Mom declared me the executrix of her will and that had some priorities that are good to know when handling the remains and unpaid bills of the dead. Her funeral was on a very hot day and I made sure it didn't drag on too long. Just about everyone there was over fifty-five and heat with lots of humidity is hard on us older folk. Stayed behind after the others had left and helped to fill in Mom's grave with a borrowed shovel until the backhoe arrived.What have I been up to?
Working on the Nano camper (keeping my hands busy) has been good therapy. Got the bruises, nicks, and tar-stained fingers to prove that building a tiny camper isn't as easy as it sounds. Three weeks into this project and the walls are finally up. The roof is on and tarred. The interior will probably take another month with the paneling, wiring, plumbing, and installing of a small made-for-a-tent wood stove.
Went with the econo tin from Home Depot as the exterior siding instead of wood paneling. Much lighter than treated plywood. I can cut it with an electric saw, too. Today I cut out some of the tin and install the windows and door off my old slide-in camper. Tarring the remaining tiny exterior gaps will come at the end of the project before I move inside to complete that work.
Stopped by Mom's grave the other day. The rains have made the dirt collapse around the wooden box her coffin is in. Going out to that dangerous cemetary soon and shovel in more dirt to fill in the holes. Need to get some lawn grass seed as well to stop the ugly erosion. Have to be heavily armed when at the cemetary. I just missed a police officer being shot and nearly killed by an outlaw that ran into the cemetary. Just missed that stressful event by minutes. Thank you, God, I wasn't there.
Even in death, I care for you, Mom. Even if it means dealing with outlaws. I miss you a lot, Mom, at times. But you are better off where you are now than here on this side trapped in a body with a brain having one stroke then another caused by dying kidneys in the final 24 hours of your life.
Hoot, hoot, Mom.
I cancelled my ISP (internet service provider), so now I have to rely on the library Internet computer to post here. Needless to say, that will happen as I'm passing by on my way to Home Depot to buy more materials for the Nano camper. Gas prices are too high to make a lot of trips away from the house. Money has to go where it is needed.
Hello Charlotte. Hope you're better than you've been. What a dangerous cemetary? Even the dead are not safe!